Every human being comes across a barrier, for me it was choosing my career amongst many others. I decided to abandon the journey I was on for another because I realised it was not my journey to take, it was the one proposed to me by others. By making the conscious decision to do that brought about many complexities of which I battled with. It is true that with every decision comes a consequence. The path became brighter
“Courage is not defined by those who fought and did not fall, but by those who fought, fell and rose again”-Adrienne Rich
Having the courage to overcome that barrier requires one to face the fear of failure. There is always that possibility of failure, everyone can say they failed at something, be it piano, a test, a job or what not. The point is that when someone can pick themselves up after a failure and try again, it shows courage as well as an inner strength that shows the true character of a person. It is so special, when someone can say, “I overcame that and look where I am now”. When you watch a movie, for example ‘Pursuit of Happyness’, the main character experiences such severe poverty. He fell and fell again but he kept picking himself up and in the end the rewards were priceless. I’m not saying life is like a movie but finding that will and inner strength to say ”ok, i’ll try again tomorrow” is that reason that keeps your journey alive.
Times get hard and always will. What matters is that you go out into the world and face your discomforts so that you can grow to your full potential and by doing that, a ripple effect will cause others to do the same.
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