Monday, 29 August 2011

Shot in the Dark

I had a vision for the life that was ahead of me
I had a reason, had a ride and had a destiny
I thought I never knew where I was heading
I would never look back

I had it all and then I went and let it slip away

I’m working overtime I’m gonna make it anyway
Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose, sometimes you never get her back

Oh, you know that I’m

Rising up slowly and getting higher

I’ve been living with a hole in my heart
Weighing down on me, but I’m a fighter
I know I still got a shot in the dark
Baby, we still got a shot in the dark

Sometimes in life you meet the people that you think you trust

Wake up one day and find that everything had turned to dust
I always knew that you’d be waiting for me when I got back

Waiting when I came

Rising up slowly and getting higher

I’ve been living with a hole in my heart
Weighing down on me, but I’m a fighter
I know I still got a shot in the dark
Baby, we still got a shot in the dark

I’m gonna find a way

I’m gonna find a way, yeah
I’m gonna find a way

I got a vision for the life that is right in front of me

I got a ride, I got a reason, got a destiny
I know exactly where I’m headed and I’m never looking back
Well, nothing’s holding me back
Well, nothing’s holding me back

Rising up slowly and getting higher

I’ve been living with a hole in my heart
Weighing down on me, man, but I’m a fighter
I know I still got a shot in the dark

Rising up slowly and I’m getting higher

I’ve been living with a hole in my heart
Weighing down on me, baby I’m a fighter
I know I still got a shot in the dark
Baby, we still got a shot in the dark

And I know that I still got a shot
(Augustana - Shot in the Dark)
 I was listening to this song today and I thought it would be perfect to share. It speaks about life and how often relationships leave us with a hole in our hearts but if we stay and fight it, we will still have a chance to overcome the darkness.

I love the line about how you meet people who you think you trust and then one day what you thought ceased to exist. It often happens where you get let down because people who you thought you could count on, left you to fend for yourself. But this song says that even though that may happen, you can rise up and overcome it.

This song then says " I'm gonna find a way". I think this is rather important. In life, we all have those moments where we feel that we just can't get back up but we got to get up by finding our way because that adversity and ability to try again is what courage is made of. That courage holds true strength and makes you unstoppable therefore finding a way out is going to make you into a person that can do ANYTHING!

Sometimes we don't have a clear idea of where we want to be but if we let go of everything that is holding us back, we will be able to rise up even with a hole in our heart. 
All the relationships whether romantic or platonic, the ones that don't last often take something from us and tend to leave a hole in our heart. You can actually feel this hole when your heart aches. Everyone takes something from us at some point and sometimes the damage is irreversible. We go and we live with this hole that sometimes holds us back from starting new relationships because we not sure how much more damage our hearts can take. "I've been living with a hole in my heart weighing down on me, man, but i'm a fighter. I know i still got a shot in the dark". We may have this hole but the secret is to remember our inner strength. Our inner strength is so powerful and it if we let it manifest we have the power to overcome in damage. We have the power to give life a shot. We have the power to give people a shot. We have the power to give ourselves another shot.

Sunday, 21 August 2011

More Beautiful Quotes

It is a fact of life but the point of it is to pick yourself back up and find those that wont

Sometimes just giving someone a chance could be the greatest thing you could ever do. Try it, i DARE you!

Not very often do we get an opportunity twice so take advantage and take it on.

It's those nights where we sat in the kitchen eating the scraps of food left in the fridge at 4 in the morning that make the most precious memories. Those big days are still memories but its those little one's are the ones that make life the most worthwhile.

Fears are sometimes the only things that hold you back from reaching your true potential. It is worth working on trying to get over them so that you have nothing to stand in your way

But sometimes being alone helps you to find yourself, to really get in touch with who you are.

Because we don't want to ever feel that way again. But it is that pain that teaches the greatest lessons and leaves the deepest scars.

You just need to be a little patient. Sometimes the only worthwhile things in life are those that we wait for.

At some stage someone will tell you "time heals all wounds" and you think it is the biggest load of crap but in time you realise wow there is truly truth to this saying because before you know it, you think of that person just a little less than you did yesterday

This is so true. So often than not, do you expect people to treat you the way you treat them but this is not always the case. You just need keep on treating people well regardless because that makes you a better person ultimately.

One of my favourite quotes.

Having the fear of being wrong constrains us from stepping forward and doing something truly great. We need to step out of our comfort zone and step into the possibility of being wrong because if we don't take chances then we will never really know our true potential

We cannot decide how we feel about something until we have taken the opportunity to truly know it.

Friday, 19 August 2011

Beautiful Quotes for Everyone

Sometimes it is just what we need. We need to escape from reality so that we can just be ourselves with no limits or constraints telling us what to do or how to be. Dreams are truly our own product and so sometimes it is special to just visit that unique original place

Not everyone likes to say that they enjoy change. Change is difficult as we have to step out of our comfort zone and face whatever challenges life may throw at us. Change is never permanent so when you face a difficult time, remember that it is temporary and you are going through this to grow and become a better person.

It seems that in today's society, gossip and bullying are becoming more prevalent. I ask you, what is the point of it? It only makes people feel like they are worth nothing. So instead of spreading hate, stop yourself and rather say something nice because making someone feel better about themselves is going to make you feel better about yourself.

I truly agree with this quote. It shows true courage and strength when you hear about the stories of people who carried on in life in the face of adversity and because they did that, many good things came their way. If we get up every time we fall, we are inadvertently telling the universe that we can get knocked down but we will always get back up no matter how hard the blow.

Life is a constant process of going somewhere but when you eventually get to that place, the results are most worthwhile

It happens far too many times where people give up just before the finish line. When you feel like you can't go on any more, you need to reflect on why you have held on for so long and then you will realise why its worthwhile carrying on.

Sometimes people need to look deeper than face value because beauty is not always an external element. Sometimes it is within.

Your mind is your most powerful tool. It is what makes you strong. There have been many miraculous stories of people who were dying but lived longer than the doctors predicted because of their state of mind. Your mind can also make you weak if you let it. Sometimes we may overanalyse a situation and create things that are not really there. It is important to realise the strength of your mind and to use for the good. When life gets you down or when you get burned, you can choose whether you fall victim to it or you can rise up against it by not letting it affect you.

Monday, 15 August 2011

That Point In Life...

Ever felt that you get to a point in life where you are no where close to what you expected, dreamed of or planned? I feel sometimes we make plans and expect ourselves to have done certain things at a certain age and then by the time we get to that age, we are not even close to where we wanted to be.
For example, some people talk about that they want to be married at a certain age, and then when that birthday passes and they are not married, then they feel like a failure. Some people hope for more close friends but life hands them none. It becomes hard to feel happy for others because they are exactly where you thought you would be.

The point of this post is not to depress you in anyway. It is too show you that if you feel that you have not reached a certain idea in your head, you are not alone. The thing to remember is that life is still moving and there are still opportunities to try and get to that place where you want to be. For some people, it takes longer to get there. Some people need to work harder because they have more life lessons to learn. It is just the way life is. We need to stop thinking that we didn't succeed but how FAR we have come. Truth is, we can all agree that nothing ever goes according to plan. Life is unpredictable. Life is spontaneous. Things just happen that we never expected would occur and this ultimately affects our original plan.

Personally, setting these ideas in your head only leads to disappointment. Rather have a very rough goal that has no exact dates or what not so that you have something to work towards. Accept life and that things just happen because that's the way it works. Once you accept this, life will become a more pleasant ride where you appreciate what you have rather than what you don't. You appreciate how far you have come rather than sulking about close you were to reaching this idea. You got to keep in mind, that it is the ride of life and the lessons we learn than are more important than anything else

Tuesday, 2 August 2011

Slow Dance

"Have you ever watched kids on a merry-go-round?
 Or listened to the rain slapping the ground?
 Ever followed a butterfly's erratic flight?
 Or gazed at at the sun into the fading night?

 You better slow down.
 Don't dance so fast.
 Time is short.

 The music won't last.
 Do you run through each day on the fly?
 When you ask how are you?
 Do you hear the reply?
 When the day is done, do you lie in your bed?
 With the next hundred chores running through your head?

 You'd better slow down.
 Don't dance so fast.
 Time is short.
 The music won't last.

 Ever told your child, we'll do it tomorrow?
 And in your haste, not see his sorrow?
 Ever lost touch, let a good friendship die?
 Cause you never had time to call and say 'hi'.

 You'd better slow down.
 Don't dance so fast.
 Time is short.
 The music won't last.

 When you run so fast to get somwhere,
 You miss half the fun of getting there.
 When you worry and hurry through your day,
 It is like an unopened gift... Thrown away.

 Life is not a race.
 Do take it slower.
 Hear the music.
 Before the song is over."

 This poem was written by a little girl who has terminal cancer. She wishes that as many people read this poem so that they live life to the fullest since she never will.

This is such a beautiful poem with words so astounding. How many times do you say "Hi, how are you?" and actually care what the person's reply is? How many times do you even ask someone how they are? The truth is time is too short to have issues and grudges with people. It seems rather pointless if you consider how much precious time you are wasting when you could rather make happy memories. It is so true that one runs fast to get somewhere. We are all in a rush to have a fantastic career but we lose sight of enjoying the journey.
The way this poem uses music as an analogy of life is beautiful. Life is like a song and when you dance to a song you like, you take it in and enjoy that very moment. The minute you dance too fast, you lose sight of how beautiful that very moment is. Alot of the time, it takes seeing someone less fortunate than you to realise just how fortunate you actually are. Hopefully reading this poem, you realise that YOU are extremely lucky, because there are certain things in YOUR life that other people dream of having. The task here is to reflect and think about what those things are and to be thankful. Having gratitude about all that you have is something that strengthens your soul. If you are angry, don't take it out on other people. If you are jealous, don't take it out on anyone. Rather be grateful for what you do have and what you can do for there is always someone worse off than you.

Much Love <3