We look at all the people around us and start to point fingers at who is responsible for us feeling this way. We hurt others and even lose focus on our life goals.
The truth is, when we are feeling down, it is us that we let feel this way. We give ourselves permission to be sad and then pity ourselves for it. A pity party is not what is going to pull us out of this black hole, no, what we need is to change our mindsets. We need to change how we view the world and how view ourselves within a frame that is more positive. We need to believe that within us all lies the potential and strength that only we can perform in order to 'stop feeling blue'.
It is easy to talk about what we need or should do to be happy again but the question remains as to how...
Well, taking some time to think about one's self from an outsider point of view will show life in a broader perspective. Secondly, highlighting one's negative thoughts and feelings of guilt and blame so that those are the ones targeted by transforming them into feelings of courage and empowerment. By thinking about who you are blaming, for instance, and pointing a finger at yourself will illustrate the control you thought you didn't have before and show you that you can control a better life for yourself. You have the power to change your colour. Only you can change your life.

So what do you choose?
~ S