Tuesday, 12 July 2011

Your Journey

"It's not about the Destination,
It's about the Journey"

Often in life, we are concerned with where we are going. We are so concerned that we make plans, do everything possible to get there. Often in life, we don't get there and we are left feeling disappointed,  as if we have failed. Often in life, we do get there and we become so consumed in our success that we forget where we started.

At the end of the day, where ever we ended up being along our path, we need to reflect on our journey for the journey is the most important part. Sometimes telling a girl how you feel and that courage it took is more important than the outcome. All those ended relationships sometimes feel like a waste of time but they are not because in every single one, you took something away from it. You learned something valuable, be it about life or be it about yourself. At the end of the day, the journey was more important that the destination.

Having goals and steps to get there is so important in life. It gives you direction. Some people get to achieve their goals, some people are still trying. Whether you reach your goal or not, what you learn along the way enriches your soul as you learn all the different facets of yourself. A lot of the time, coming straight out of school, people are unsure of their career path. They may choose one and change along the way because while they chose a destination, they realised along their journey that this is not the path best suited for them and so they chose another. The journey is where you learn what you really want and what you really need. On this journey, you are constantly learning.

I have a song I'd like to share with you about life's journey:
It's hard.
It's difficult.
Seems impossible.
Seems dark and cold.

You walk along this road
You meet people as life unfolds
You overcome your deepest fears
and learn to fight away the tears

Now you feel that the end has come
And everything was for nothing
But it's not about the destination
It's about the journey

The journey teaches you tricks
You do things you never thought you could do
And along the way your heart fixes
And life seems clearer now

Now you feel that the end has come
And everything was for something
because it's not about the destination
It's about the journey

And as the journey continues
So do your hopes and dreams
Because even when things fall apart
It falls into place for better things

I hope that reading this helps you to see that yes at some point, you don't reach certain destinations but that is not the point. It is the experiences along that path that count. Reflect on those rather than the outcome because at the end of the day, the outcome doesn't matter.


Tuesday, 5 July 2011

Believe In Your Dreams

"Take a look at yourself in a mirror,
who do you see looking back?
Is it the person you want to be?
Or is there someone else you were meant to be,
the person you should have been but fell short of?
Is someone telling you 'can't' or 'won't'?
Because you can.
Believe that love is out there.
Believe that dreams come true everyday.
Because they do.
Sometimes happiness doesn't come from money, fame or power.
Sometimes happiness comes from good friends and family
And from the quiet nobility of leading a good life.
Believe that dreams come true everyday,
Because they do.
So take a look at the mirror and remind yourself to be happy
Because you deserve to be.
Believe that.
And believe that dreams come true everyday, because they do"

- Quote from "One Tree Hill"
This is one of my favourite quotes to read when I'm feeling down or close to giving up on something because I don't believe in myself. This quote shows me that I should believe in myself because dreams do become reality.

I have been thinking about what to write for a while now. Suddenly I realised "wait a moment, my dreams came true". Like most people reading this pose, I am very into my music, specifically those songs that tell a story. You know, the songs that have depth and soul within the lyrics. So like most people, I have a favourite band and it's the type of thing where you know all the songs and all the lyrics. It is not a very well known band, but it just so happens that they had a tour in my country and i was fortunate enough to see them. Not only that, but I was fortunate enough to meet them as well as speak and have a photo with them. To most people, this may seem like quite a weird situation to equate as a dream. But to be able to see this band play live and feel the soul in their music reminded me just how much I miss music. Just how much I miss playing the piano and guitar and writing songs. It reminded me how wrapped up I was in my goal to advance in my career that I had forgotten the very essence of what I truly love. Not only did I realise how much I missed music, I realised how lucky I was to be someone who managed to meet their favourite band. This doesn't happen very often. It felt as if the universe had aligned everything to occur for it happen.

The point of this post is not to tell you about my experience. The point is to show you that maybe your band is something else and that the universe is getting ready to align everything in order for you to confront your dream. It is about realising what your dream is and to pursue it. It is important to shed all those around you that underestimate your ability to succeed at whatever you wish to succeed at. Sometimes being alone means that you need to work on yourself before you cross paths with 'the one'. Don't stop believing that someone is out there for you because they are. Don't stop believing in your dreams because you can do whatever you put your mind to. Dont stop believing in yourself, because you deserve to be happy and you deserve for your dreams to come true. I hope that after reading this, you feel inspired and ready to conquer whatever challenge may face you. The world will stand aside for a person who knows where they are going.

The Script
The band I was fortunate enough to see live and meet.


Here are some quotes that hopefully can pick you up when you feeling down. Enjoy <3
This quote above is such a special one to me, as I truly believe that if you are able to inspire the people around you then you have done something miraculous

It is amazing to think just how much we have withing ourselves to accomplish whatever we choose

Having the ability to just get up and face your day is the pure illustration of courage

Making the best out of what you got and growing that into something meaningful and successful is a true visionary

Risking it sometimes ends badly but you learn from it and it teaches you all the right things to do next time. For next time it won't end badly, it will only result in a positive outcome

It is like relationships, sometimes you feel like you lose a part of yourself but in losing that part of yourself, you gain so much more. You gain strength and wisdom to love and to love another.


Friday, 1 July 2011

Everything Happens For A Reason

Ever wonder about soul mates? Ever wonder about destiny? That everything happens for a reason?
I truly believe that everything does happen for a reason and that everything is meant to be. We may not be aware of these reasons but down the line we stand amazed at how insanely these puzzle pieces come to fit together.
For example, you might accidentally get stung by a bee which makes you late for work and because you were late for work, you missed a car accident that would have affected your life drastically. Maybe you might even equate this to meeting ‘the one’ as you will be at the right place at the right time in order for your paths to cross. An interesting thought that crossed my mind is what if you looked at these scenarios as if you were the one used in order for someone else to meet their soul mate. For example, you meet someone who you feel is rather special and gets you almost to the point where you believe this is your soul mate but you can’t be with that person. There are reasons outside of your control, say age, your ex’s best friend, religion, you start dating someone else or what not. These reason’s make you stay away so that this person can meet their soul mate which just might not be you. It might not be you or just might not be the right time. In the bigger scheme of things, everything works out; everything will make sense at some point. They say when you experience heart break that ‘time heals all wounds’ and maybe this is true because you are able to look at it from a particular perspective and realise that this person was not for you and this relationship ended because there is one that is just about to start that may never end. Being able to look back and reflect on your experiences provides you with lessons and these lessons prepare you for something bigger and better. Having the patience to wait to see how everything fits together is important and achieving this patience is a lesson in itself.